Panels and Performances

Host a Panel at YumeConUSA, or perform on our Main Stage! Applications will open on July 12, 2024 at 12 PM Pacific Time and run until August 30, 2024 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Panels?

Panels are informative presentations presented by passionate attendees. Previous Panels have included fandom-specific offerings or more general informative presentations.

What are Performances?

Performances are any performances interested in taking place on YumeConUSA's main stage. This can include dance performances, singers, and more!

Do Panelists and Performers get free admission to YumeConUSA?

Our reimbursement model is as follows:

Main Stage Performances


Compensated badges are for Panelists and Performers only and are not transferable to attendees not participating in programming. Abuse of compensated badges (i.e. Using compensated badges for non-participants) may result in future applications for Panels and Performances being denied.

I already bought my badge- can i still get a compensated badge for a Panel or Performance?

Yes! Upon acceptance, you'll receive instructions on how to request a refund for any purchases already made.

Are there any restrictions on Panels and Performances?

YumeConUSA does not accept any 18+ programming, so all Panels and Performances must conform to a PG-13 rating or lower. Otherwise, we welcome all applications across all fandoms, interests, and topics!

How does YumeConUSA 2024's Health and Safety Policy apply to Panelists and Performers?

There are no changes for Panels. However, Performers on YumeConUSA's Main Stage may remove their masks only while performing.

Panel and Performance Application

Any further questions or concerns? Feel free to reach out to us at